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Meditation helps many to go deep inside themselves and understand what they want and what is the deepest desire. Nivedita’s meditation sessions and the tools and techniques really helped me to stay calm during the pandemic, hear to my inner voice and understand my deepest desire.


The Manifestation Series Webinars have undoubtedly gave me a direction to my long term pending project and I was able to put a blue print and the project plan in phases with precision.


Diligently following each of your weekly manifestation and mapping the mind, prioritised each job that needed to be done, like the lifecycle of a butterfly.


The seed that was sowed in my mind years ago germinated and is looking healthy and bearing the flowers with all the required colours.


I would like to thank you for being the guiding light and opening the required energies and blocks.


Loads of love and success your way,
Harini, Director
With all the Gratitude!



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