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The Client Issue: Lopa was unable to say No to a lot of people in her life and this left her feeling helpless and she wanted to break this pattern . She clearly wanted to draw her boundaries and feel more assertive.


The Solution: We started doing sessions which made her realise that it is possible to reconnect to that ability of assertiveness. Here is what the Lopa had to say- The sessions I have taken with Ms.Nivedita Awasthi have made me feel empowered and have removed certain blocks I had.The most important thing Nivedita has helped me understand is that healing and change can take some time and we need to be kind to ourselves along the way.


Am a lot more inspired and self assured now. And even when am not , like Nivedita says ... there is always a way out !


Lopa, Age 35,
Healer, Yoga trainer



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