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The Client Issue: Sonal had been grappling with a lot of issues at her personal level that were inhibiting her ability to think clearly causing lots of mental and emotional distress. She wanted to understand the cause of various situations in her life and how to manage them.


The Solution: We ended up doing hypnotherapy sessions which took her to the root cause of these issues. And this what she had to say- I have been taking sessions with Nivedita off and on since a long time. Whenever I have visited her, I have come more enriched with knowledge about self and healing parts of me which need to be addressed. Nivedita has immense patience to listen to all the issues and help figure out what’s the thing which is really bothering.


My sessions with her have helped me to get more grounded, understand myself better and apply the awareness gained into daily life, helping to change at a more subtle level.


Thank you Nivedita for being my therapist and friend, not minding my any time during the day messages, listening to me and guiding me whenever required. Bless you!


Sonal, 36 years,
Integrated Therapist



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