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The Client Issue: When Vani contacted me she was very disturbed with her inability to express freely with confidence. She had been going through relationship issues in her marriage too .


The Solution: Through the sessions she realised where and why she had lost confidence in herself and now what can be done to regain it. She realised through sessions with me that we can rewire and reprogram our mind. And this is what she had to sayHi Nivedita, I have been Working with you since March 20, when I first approached you I was in fear and couldn't even talk. You made me feel so comfortable to talk and EFT has helped me calm down. After attending the chakra meditation workshop And Reiki I am regularly doing meditation and I am feeling unusual sense of calmness and peacefulness, though my situation hasn’t changed much and fearful thoughts keep coming up in my mind but I am able to stay calm and manage myself. Your voice makes me feel so relaxed and safe. Thank you so much for being so caring and understanding.


Vani, Age 50, Entrepreneur ( Organic farming )



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